Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Life in a Ukrainian Kindergarten- The Business Side

"Pay your bills by the 10th of the month." and "Dear Parents, please do not come inside." (My translation)

Didn't pay your school bill last month? Well, everyone else is about to know... (Interesting approach though). Speaking of bills, I thought I would add a little commentary about money and kindergarten. When S first began back in July, we had to pay 1000r to the school and 1000r to the classroom. At that time- with the exchange rate then- it was about $200. The director and the teachers use the money to buy supplies, do remodeling etc. Every month we have to pay 30r (which now is like less than $2) to a "parents fund" (for events and such) and also about 40-50r per month for food- breakfast, lunch, snacks and a light supper if the kids stay that late (that is less than $5 a month!). I'd say this is a pretty good deal.

The play-doh showcase!!! They work with a play-doh-like-substance 1-2 times a week and the teachers display the skills they were working on and each child's work (the OT side of me loves this- thank you teacher for working on their fine motor skills). S's is the 2nd from the end.

This could potentially be the most important piece of paper displayed in the corridor- the Cookie Schedule. Each kid takes a turn bringing in cookies for the whole class for snack time. It works out to be every other month. Our next cookie day is February 23rd.

All of the kids birthdays displayed in a cool way- according to the season.

Art work! The teachers provide a written explanation of the specific skills/techniques they were working on that day. They display them in the corridor each week. Of course, this one is S's.

Another work of art- they were practicing circles.

"Ahhhhh!" That is what happened after I read this note. I didn't understand what the virus was, but I most certainly understood the word "Quarantine"! One of the kids had the Chicken Pox and they are required to post the news to all of the parents.

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