Monday, October 1, 2012

Uzhhorod's 1,119th Birthday Celebration

Yes, you read that right- 1,119th birthday of the city of Uzhhorod (makes the US seem pretty young) celebrated this year on the last weekend of September.

Pictures from the festivities:
Tons of vendors were grilling and selling all kinds of meat and potatoes. Here we have some pork and some sausage, potatoes and of course cabbage salad (no meal is complete without it). Solomiya was sitting in her stroller and just dropped something on the ground- that's what I'm looking at.

You can (kind of) see one of the grills they use in the background, to the left of S. She was quite enjoying herself.

Walking over the pedestrian bridge and trying to get a good picture of the banner hanging up. Tons of people were out celebrating on this beautiful afternoon. We ran into so many we knew: students from the English school, friends from church and 3 different families I have worked with or currently are working with (therapy wise, that is).

The river Uzh.

I know, I chopped part of Mike's head off in this photo, but S looks pretty cute.

The Banner! In yellow it says, 'Uzhhorod- 1,119 years'. On the right it says the dates (29 - 30 of September) and where it will be held (by the big post office).

No celebration in Uzhhorod is complete without some karaoke. A local radio station set up the stage and various people were singing traditional, Ukrainian folk music to celebrate the day, right? No, they were singing "Sweet Dreams" by the Eurythmics and "I Love Rock 'n Roll" by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts.

What follows is an onslaught of pictures as we try to capture a family photo.

Almost... wait where's Solomiya?

Nope, not quite right.

So close, just that darn hat is in the way. Sorry, but it was windy/chilly and she had to wear it or else the local babushkas would start yelling at us to put a hat on that poor baby.

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