Thursday, April 26, 2012


Enjoyed some beautiful weather today and did a lot of walking!
First, we walked to this place called 'Mom Park'- which is actually a business park and a mall with 3 levels. It contained very expensive stores, but they did have a really nice McDonalds inside. So we grabbed some lunch and did a little homework. (The cheeseburger was heavenly.)
Solomiya was not really into the mall, so we walked back to our room so she could take a nap. Then in the afternoon, we ventured out again and walked across the river to the Pest side of the city. Mike wanted to check out the Iron Market and to look for langos.
*Visitor's Guide*
"The market hall on Fovam Square, locacted on the Pest side of Liberty Bridge, has served customers and traders since 1897. You can find special goods on each floor of the multi-story hall: mainly seafood and game in the basement, classic vegetable, fruit and meat products on the ground floor, and eateries and gift shops on the first floor. If you are ready for the deep fried dough known as langos, a very popular market food, then the only thing you have to decide after you have dabbed it with garlic using a brush, placed on the counter in a small bottle, is whether you want to top it with sour cream and cheese. It is not an easy ride, but an experience hard to forget."

After this, we walked back to the Buda side of the bridge and went to a park. We tried to get some good photos of us with the city in the background.

Langos at the Iron Market. Pretty tasty, but I don't think I will ever eat one again.

Decided to go hardcore and add sour cream and cheese. Mike also topped his with some Hungarian pepperoni and fresh tomatoes.

Solomiya kept trying to take a bite

First floor of the Iron Market

Cutest picture ever.
Today, we are meeting up with Tanya and 3 of her kids. She is going to the train station with us to help us buy our return tickets to Chop, Ukraine.
We also have to buy bus tickets for tomorrow morning. We are going to ride it to the Ukrainian Embassy to pick up our visas.
Other than that, our day will include: Solomiya taking 1-2 naps, homework, walking around the park and staying away from langos or anything that looks like langos.

1 comment:

  1. I have a feeling we should NOT eat the langos...

    I'm glad you are on your way home!
