Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The making of the блины. 2012 edition.

The staging area. Ingredients: 2 eggs, 1 cup of milk, 1 1/2 t of oil, a pinch of salt, and 2/3 cup of flour. Batter will be very thin. Heat up a pan, brush it with oil,  pour in 1/4 cup of the batter and swirl it all around so it looks like this...

... swirled batter in hot, hot pan. Flip it over after a couple of minutes.

The insides of the блины from left to right. творог (a local cheese that reminds me of ricotta) with сметана (sour cream) and сахар (sugar); творог with сметанa, сахар, and шоколад (chocolate); сметана; вишневое варенье (cherry jam). 

Close-up shot of the творог.

Solomiya was helping me. Actually, she was crying throughout the entire process because she wanted me to hold her. She stopped when I started taking pics of her... I think she thought I was going to give her the camera.


Aerial footage.

Assembly of the masterpiece.
Fold it like so.

Inside view.

Ready to try it. You can see from S's face that she was still recovering from having to sit in the chair while I cooked.

They were really good. Mike had one of his friends come over to work on some translation stuff in the afternoon. He tried one and said they were very good. We have a Ukrainian's stamp of approval.

If you come to see us, I will make you some.


  1. Yummmmmm! Also, please stop torturing your daughter...you really don't need to eat, do you? ;)
    I think we'll try them and call them Masi-crepes

  2. They look great! I will so be back :-). Thanks for posting my post about you!! Love, MJ
