Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Visa Time and Introducing Serhii Pohoreltsev

Next Friday (4/15/11), we will officially be traveling to the Ukrainian Consulate in Manhattan to inquire about, and possibly obtain, our visas for next January. Why not just call, you ask? Well, after numerous attempts by Mike, it became apparent that they simply do not answer their phones; nor do they check their email. Therefore, we must travel down there to see if this Consulate actually exists.
I hope to run into this man:
He is the Consulate General of Ukraine in New York. His name: Serhii O. Pohoreltsev.
I would like to say to him, "Serhii, why do you not answer your phones here?" (I will use my best Russian accent to make him feel comfortable). If I see him, I will let you know. On another note, an interesting fact about Serhii is that he also speaks Spanish. Hm.

This is a street view of the Consulate- thank you Google. It must exist if Google found it.
So- we would greatly appreciate all prayers about this subject:
1. That the Consulate does exist and we will be able to find it.
2. That they will be open on that Friday like their website says they will be. We would call, but...
3. That they (perhaps Serhii) can direct us to the right person to speak with.
4. That God would give us favor with all the Ukrainian officials at the consulate.
5. That we will leave knowing exactly what needs to be done in order to obtain visas for ourselves and the bambino.
Thank you.

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