Friday, August 19, 2011

Post-August 12 Updates

1. Mike's safety audit at work went VERY well and they received the highest rating possible!
2. I (annie) passed my NBCOT exam!!!
3. Finished Newsletter #2 and hopefully mailing it out early next week.
4. Mike was registered for the online 'Teaching English as a Second Language' course.
5. Have baby stuff all ready; expected arrival = now through September 15th. It's inevitable.

So, right now Mike is continuing at work until mid-December. He and his bosses are working on a variety of different options regarding his replacement. Once that is all figured out, Mike will probably focus on training the new person and preparing the safety division at the plant for his departure.

I (annie) am currently sorting through all of my books/notes regarding occupational therapy and deciding what will be most beneficial and most needed in Ukraine.
After this is done, I will focus on packing for Ukraine: 1. Items to ship over ahead of time that we will not need here; 2. Items that will be put into storage; and 3. Items that we will need right up until we leave (to be placed in open boxes for easy access).
We will hopefully send our boxes to Ukraine through 'Ukraine Express'. It takes about 4 weeks for packages to arrive to their destination, so we can only send things that we really, really will not need right away.

I am also really looking forward to spending time with my baby. And I know Mike is looking forward to washing the cloth diapers :)
*On a side note- this is one way we are hoping to save mucho dinero (aka a lot of money) in Ukraine by using cloth diapers and cloth wipes. I am also looking into making my own laundry soap... I'll keep thinking about that one.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Brief Update

The past few weeks have been VERY busy for both Mike and I! Mike is spending a lot of time at work preparing for a huge safety audit to take place and I am studying night and day for my NBCOT exam. We are going to celebrate August 12, because on that day Mike's audit will be finished and my test will have been taken.
Lovely blogs to follow after the 12th...
