Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year 🥳

Center of Hope Ukraine 

A center for physical rehabilitation that focuses on occupational therapy and psychiatry.

Our stats for 2024! 

How many new patients did we see?

How many treatment sessions were provided over the year?

New patients and new consultations for 2024: 26 people

Treatment sessions provided by our staff: 399 50-minute treatment sessions.

Scholarships provided for patients in need: Out of 399 treatment sessions over 2024, 62 of these sessions were provided free of charge!

Psychiatry sessions: 29

Our website:

Check out our YouTube channel: Mike and Annie in Ukraine

Friday, November 29, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving

 Happy Thanksgiving from Ukraine!!!

🦃 🍁
Unfortunately, we woke up this morning to a country wide air-raid alert that lasted from 5:18-9:15. Multiple locations were hit across the country and the energy system was shut down as a precaution from 6:30-9:05 (which meant no electricity).
Thankfully, our oblast was not hit by any missiles or drones, but the electricity shutdowns have since increased.
Here is a snapshot of the damage done around the country (from Kyiv Post):
“In this morning's sub zero temperatures, Russians launched a massive missile attack on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, leaving millions without heat, water and electricity.
Rescuers are working in dozens of locations and damages are still being determined.
▪️Kyiv: Debris has fallen on open areas within the city.
▪️Volyn: Several strikes in Lutsk. Parts of the city are without power, and public transport has been halted.
▪️Sumy region: Several infrastructure facilities in Shostka were destroyed. Damage reported to a school, hospital, residential buildings, and water supply facilities.
▪️Kharkiv region: Strikes on a civilian enterprise in Kyivskyi district of Kharkiv. No casualties reported so far.
▪️Rivne region: Smoke observed over Rivne following a series of explosions. Over 280,000 subscribers in the region are without electricity, with water supply disruptions reported.
▪️Vinnytsia region: Residential buildings damaged, a utility structure destroyed, and a car set ablaze.
▪️Air defenses active: Air defense systems were operational in many regions, with most missiles targeting western areas.”

1. First picture: This is a screenshot from an app we downloaded on our phones. It keeps us updated on daily air-raid alerts in our oblast and around the country.

2. This is a map of the routes the missiles and drones flew on Thanksgiving Day.

3. Another map indicating direct hits and damage.

4. Our current schedule for electricity after the damage that was done to power supply stations across the country. The colored areas indicate no electricity. Our city is divided into 6 "shifts". We are purple, or number 6.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Update on Phase 2 of the Building Project

 Center of Hope Ukraine 

***UPDATE*** on Phase 2 of the building project!

Phase 2:

***PAID*** $300-500 USD Geological Survey

***PAID*** $3000 USD Well

$3000 USD Septic

$10,000 USD Architectural plans/down payment to building company

Total: $13,000 needed to complete Phase 2

We are building a center for occupational therapy, psychiatry and physical rehabilitation in Uzhhorod, Ukraine.

We want to invite you to be a part of this project: Please tell other people or organizations who want to be involved. We can send you our official building project proposal. 



Please contact us for tax-deductible giving 🙂

Center of Hope Ukraine: a center for occupational therapy, psychiatry and physical rehabilitation in Uzhhorod, Ukraine.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Phase 2!!!

 Phase 2 of the Building Project

Center of Hope Ukraine 

We are moving onto Phase 2 of our building project!

We are building a center for occupational therapy, psychiatry and physical rehabilitation in Uzhhorod, Ukraine.

Phase 2 includes:

Geological survey (to assess the type of foundation needed): $300-500 USD

Well: $3000 USD

Septic: $3000 USD

Building company/architectural plans/down payment: $15,000 USD

Total: $21,500

           -   5,000 (building company)



Our building company contacted Mike on Monday to let him know that they were giving us a discount of $5000!!!

They understand we are working as a nonprofit and want to support this project! 🙌🏼

We want to invite you to be a part of this project!

Please tell other people or organizations who you think would want to be involved.

And… we invite you: COME TO UKRAINE! Come and see what we are doing! Come to the clinic for rehabilitation and see what we do every week. 



Thursday, April 25, 2024

Center of Hope Ukraine

 Center of Hope Ukraine

Center for occupational therapy, psychiatry and physical rehabilitation in Uzhhorod, Ukraine.

Rehabilitation Center Building Project 

Phase 1: Completed 

Purchase land: $16,000

Documents / Lawyer / contractor fees: $2170

Survey: $90

Building design (ADA Compliant): $7130

Electricity: $6500

Fence: $6500

Clear land: $1851

Total: $40,241

$40k! Thank you all so much for supporting this dream that has become a reality!

We are providing life changing physical, cognitive, emotional and spiritual rehabilitation to Ukrainians right now, every week. 

We are working towards building a larger space for physical rehabilitation. This new, bigger space will enable us to accommodate more clients and more staff and more equipment. But until then, we will continue to provide the best care for our patients!

I recently read the book, The Power of Imagination, by Andrew Wommack. He included this quote by TE Lawrence:

“All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake up in the day to find it was vanity, but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.”





Friday, July 28, 2023

Friday July 28, 2023

 Friday, 28.07

The cost…

What began as a dream in 2006 is now becoming a reality.

Our goal is to obtain the necessary documents needed for the building process this fall 2023. We’ll then move on to the well, septic system and grading the land. We hope to have the foundation in place by spring of 2024.

Thanks to you all (heart), we have had the money in hand for each step we have already completed:

  • Documents to make the two pieces of land into one

  • Lawyer fees

  • Design fees

The cost to complete the building will be $250-350,000 USD… and the only thing we can say to that, is that with God, all things are possible. Logically, it seems like an insane amount of money to raise. But, in 2006, it also seemed like such an unattainable idea that we would someday be living and working in Ukraine, providing occupational therapy to people. 

If you want to be a part of this, please let us know!

 God has used you all for the past 12 years and we are so thankful for all of you!

The picture below is the reason why we are doing this, why we are building a center to accommodate more patients.

Two men, who would have never met each other, if it were not for our clinic. Two men who bonded over the same diagnosis, the same symptoms, the same treatment, the same hope. 

People with disabilities don’t often walk the streets of Ukraine. They are hidden behind doors, made to feel that their life is over and they serve no purpose.

But, there is hope. There is recovery, There is purpose.

Our two guys, Zoltan and Oleksii. They come every morning to the clinic. They work hard. They have become best friends. One is 45 years old and the other 74. 

We want our patients to see each other and understand they are not alone. They are not the only ones with this diagnosis. We want them to see progress in their friend’s recovery and be encouraged that it can happen to them also.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Thursday July 28

 Thursday, 27.07

Center of Hope, Ukraine

What will the rehabilitation center look like?

We have been working with a building designer for the past several months. Our friend, Andrew, approached us almost 2 years ago, with an offer to help design our building. Andrew is not only a designer, but a carpenter and also a doctor. This has proved to be a great combination because he really understands the needs of our patients and has designed the building in such a way to suit their needs.

The building began as a simple one-level, 400 sq/m property. But, late in 2022, we understood that the building should be larger to accommodate the many Ukrainians, soldiers and civilians, who have experienced injuries related to war.

The building will now be 2 levels and roughly 1000 sq/m.

It will include a large sports hall for occupational and physical therapy, an accessible kitchen where patients will re-learn important cooking skills, accessible bathrooms and showers, a space for psychiatry and counseling, separate space for pediatric therapy and space for an on-site doctor. The second floor will also include living quarters for staff.

Check out the layout, floor plans and renders done by our friend Andrew!